Heart disease is the main killer in Asia, Europe, and the United States. Unfortunately, heart disease will increase as more countries adopt Western lifestyles and traditional diets. Heart and vascular disease alone causes nearly 1 million avoidable deaths annually in the United States. One of the major risk factors for heart disease, with more than 1 billion of the 7.6 billion people on the planet suffering from high blood pressure.

Eating a heart-healthy diet, giving up smoking, and engaging in regular exercise are the three most important things a person can do to prevent heart disease. These three factors are more important than any drug ever developed on a doctor’s prescription.

Heart disease risk factors

  • Blood pressure is high, which causes the heart to work harder than it should.
  • Smoking causes blood vessels to deteriorate and promotes artery blockages.
  • Blood vessels are oxidatively harmed by diabetes.
  • The heart works harder when a person is obese.
  • Homocysteine levels above normal cause oxidative damage to blood vessels.
  • There is an increase in C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation (learn more about inflammation).
  • Choosing a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of having heart disease if it runs in your family.
  • Clogged arteries are brought on by elevated cholesterol.
  • Increased LDL (bad cholesterol) levels contribute to blocked arteries.
  • Higher triglycerides: a contributing factor to blocked arteries
  • Elevated blood Lp(a): a genetic risk factor
  • People who don’t eat many fruits and vegetables lack the antioxidants they require for protection.
  • Due to the hormones and other chemicals present in animal products, a high intake of foods derived from animals increases risk.
  • Sleep apnea and insufficient sleep put stress on the heart.
  • Cortisol levels rise due to ongoing stress, which promotes artery hardening and heart disease.
  • Depression and anxiety raise cortisol levels, which promotes heart disease.
  • Unresolved conflict increases cortisol levels, which promotes heart disease.
  • Cortisol levels rise as a result of guilt, which promotes heart disease.
  • genetic predisposition to a diagonal earlobe fold
  • Male pattern baldness susceptibility due to genetics

The more risk factors someone has, the higher their risk is. A person does not automatically have a heart attack or stroke just because they have a few risk factors. It is critical to eliminate as many risk factors as possible to reduce your risk of developing heart disease, suffering a heart attack, having a stroke, and eventually passing away. 

What to eat to prevent heart disease

Eating the right foods is one of the most important things you can do to prevent heart disease and lessen inflammation in the arteries and heart. Many studies have shown how beneficial a Mediterranean diet is for heart health. An investigation conducted in 2013 and reported in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts reduced the incidence of major cardiovascular events among individuals with high cardiovascular risk. 

In addition to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and beans, there are a variety of other foods that can be healthy:

  • Pine nuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, and unsalted Brazil nuts are examples of nuts. Nuts are rich in linoleic acid, an exceptionally advantageous omega-6 fatty acid that lowers inflammation.
  • Unsalted seeds include sunflower, chia, and pumpkin seeds.
  • There is a selection of fresh organic fruits. minimum of four servings per day
  • Flaxseed, green tea, strawberries, other foods containing dietary lignans,
  • and greens with leaves, like kale, spinach, and collards. 6 servings per day
  • Among the soy products are organic tofu, edamame, tempeh, and miso.
  • Eat fish, but restrict yourself to one serving per week due to the possibility of mercury contamination. Trout, whitefish, salmon, anchovies, and many other types of fish are low in mercury.
  • When it comes to red meat and poultry, only eat meat that has been grass-fed, hormone-free, and free-ranged.
  • Extra-rich olive oil is abundant in oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid. Only use olive oil when cooking at low to medium heat.
  • In terms of high-temperature cooking, coconut oil is healthier than canola oil.
  • Light sesame oil has several health benefits and is appropriate for high-temperature cooking.
  • Green tea is good for your heart.
  • Purified water; refrain from consuming sweetened beverages

Medicines may assist in reducing heart disease risk factors.

There are a few tools in the modern medical “doctor toolbox” that can help reduce risk factors. For those who are at risk, medicine can be very beneficial, particularly when diet, lifestyle, and supplements are insufficient. Unfortunately, medication is the only action many people will consistently take. While doctors attempt to reduce risk by prescribing medications that lower blood pressure and cholesterol, changing to a healthier lifestyle should also be considered. 

Cardiovascular health disease supplements

Many people who want to strengthen their cardiovascular system use a regimen that includes supplementation. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a necessary nutrient for collagen, which is the main component of arteries. A 2009 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that more than 7% of Americans aged six and older had vitamin C deficiencies based on blood tests. More than half of those surveyed ate less food than was recommended. Smokers also have lower vitamin C levels than non-smokers. A 2017 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry study found that rose hips, which are high in vitamin C, can help prevent atherosclerosis, a risk factor for heart disease.

Quitting smoking, eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, and exercising regularly can help people lead healthier lifestyles and reduce their risk of developing heart disease. It’s a good idea for most people to aim for 10,000 daily steps or more. Getting a good night’s sleep is also very helpful in preventing heart disease. People frequently choose vitamins and supplements to help further control risk factors when dietary and lifestyle changes alone are insufficient to improve outcomes.

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