Breast cancer. Simply reading those words may cause anxiety in many women. And that is logical.
Almost everyone is familiar with a patient who is suffering from the condition. But there have been many encouraging developments in breast cancer in recent years. We have access to ever-improving therapies and more information than ever about how to halt the disease. By taking these eight simple steps, the risk of developing breast cancer can be reduced. Even though not all of them apply to all women, they can have a sizable impact when considered.
Keep a healthy weight.
Although it is easy to ignore, maintaining a healthy weight is essential for everyone, despite how often it is stressed. Being overweight can raise your risk of getting other cancers, including breast cancer, especially after menopause.
Exercise regularly
Exercise comes the closest to being a magic remedy for good health. If a woman exercises for at least 30 minutes daily, her risk of developing breast cancer is lowered. Regularly exercising is one of the best ways to control weight.
Fruits and vegetables should be consumed, and alcohol should not be consumed at all.
A healthy diet can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Consume as many vegetables and fruits as possible, and drink alcohol sparingly. Alcohol consumption, even in moderation, raises the risk of breast cancer. Avoiding alcohol is typically the best choice for your health in light of these risks.
Don’t Smoke
Among its many other harmful health effects, smoking causes at least 15 cancers, including breast cancer. Try your best to quit smoking if you already do. Nearly never is it too late to apply for benefits.
Breastfeed, If Possible
Breastfeeding lowers the risk of breast cancer when done for a cumulative period of one year or longer (for all children). Furthermore, it is very advantageous to the child’s health. Contact your paediatrician, the hospital, or the local health office for help or details on breastfeeding.
Whenever possible, avoid birth control if you smoke or are over 35.
Both benefits and drawbacks of birth control pills are present. Younger females have lower risks. There is a slight increase in the risk of breast cancer in women who use birth control pills. However, this risk quickly disappears as soon as you stop taking the medication.
Additionally, there is a higher chance of having a heart attack or stroke while taking the pill, particularly if the user smokes. Continued use, however, can also offer significant benefits, such as a decreased risk of ovarian, colon, and uterine cancer. Birth control pills have a lot of benefits, including the ability to stop unintended pregnancies. If you are very concerned about getting breast cancer, avoiding birth control pills is one way to reduce risk.
Hormone therapy should not be used to treat menopause.
It is not recommended to use long-term hormone therapy during menopause to prevent chronic diseases. According to studies, it has contradictory effects on health, raising the risk of some diseases while lowering the risk of others. Whether estrogen is consumed alone or with progestin, hormones increase the risk of breast cancer. Women going through menopause should use hormone therapy with the least duration possible. The best person to ask about the benefits and drawbacks of hormone therapy for menopause is your doctor.
Raloxifene and Tamoxifen for High-Risk Women
Despite not generally being viewed as a “healthy behaviour,” taking the drugs tamoxifen and raloxifene can significantly lower the risk of breast cancer in women who are at high risk for the disease. These powerful drugs, which the FDA has approved for use in preventing breast cancer, have potential side effects and may not be suitable for everyone. If you think you might be at high risk, talk to your doctor to determine if these drugs are right for you.
Mammograms that are used to screen for breast cancer can save lives. Although cancer cannot be prevented, the disease can be helped by early detection and treatment. At age 40, the majority of women should begin yearly mammograms. It might be necessary to start screenings earlier for women more likely to develop breast cancer. By 30, it is best to talk to a doctor about your risk and whether you would benefit from earlier screening.
You can find the Best Doctors for Breast Cancer on healthmarketingbuzz. For more details about the doctors, you should visit our website.